Frequently Asked questions

How can I prep for Telehealth?

Before your sessions, we recommend you do the following:

Find a quiet, private place for your session

Get your device set-up, including chargers nearby

Face a light source like a window or lamp

Check your internet connection

Put your phone & computer notifications on silent

Get comfy: use the restroom, put on your cozy clothes, grab a snack, and feel free to bring a pet



Will my insurance cover this?

That’s a great question. The answer is ‘probably’.

To find out, call your insurance provider directly. We suggest asking the following questions:

Do you cover out of network mental health providers?

How much will you reimburse per session?

How do I submit a claim?

How long does reimbursement take?

Will a referral/prescription from my dr help?

How many sessions will you cover?


Do kids really like telehealth?

yes. they really do.

While it may seem counterintuitive, kids do exceptionally well at telehealth. Our team know how to use play, art, and music via telehealth so your kids have the best therapy experience possible. In our experience, kids (and grown-ups) also love telehealth for a few reasons. Firstly, calling a therapist via video feels a lot more like calling a friend than going to a Drs office, which going to an office can sometimes feel like. Secondly, kids love showing people their worlds. Introducing pets, meeting favorite stuffed animals, and seeing backyards are just a few ways telehealth allows your therapist to more quickly build trust and connection.

I’m not sure which therapist to work with. What should I do?

no problem. just reach out to our front desk and they’ll help

Email with your phone number. They’ll give you a call and help you decide. You can always do a free 15 min consult with a few of our clinicians to find the right fit.

How long will I be in therapy?

It depends…(you probably knew we were going to say that)

Therapy is a slightly different journey for each person, and a lot can affect how long it takes. With that said, most clients are in therapy anywhere from 6months to 2 years. Remember you’re in the drivers seat - if you can only be in therapy for 6 months, let your therapist know and we’ll do everything we can to get you as close to your goals as possible. Your journey, your timeline.